Forum Discussion

Sulaiman_85782's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 29, 2014

Alert Message



I am getting the following alert getting generated on all my devices. May 29 14:42:57 bigip01 alert big3d[6569]: 012b600f:1: SNMP_TRAP: SSL cert from IP ::ffff: WILL EXPIRE on Jun 9 08:34:08 2014 GMT


I cant seem to see what Certificate is about to expire. The IP Address that is being mentioned is the IP address of the Enterprise Manager. Any ideas how I can track down which Certificate it is that is causing the alert?


  • BIG-IP appliances managed by EM should store the EM certificate in /shared/em/ssl.crt


    • Sulaiman_85782's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Cory I checked the folder and the only 2 files that are there have certificates that expired in April 2014.
  • EM's device certificate that it uses to identify itself should be here:





  • Hi,


    Our certificat on EM will expire the 19th of May 2024. But all my F5 managed by it have in /shared/em/ssl.crt a certificat that will expire this 19th of May 2015. Do you know how can I update the EM certificat on my F5s ?


    Because we are sending a lot of SNMP trap due to this certificat expiration.

