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Piotr_Lewandows's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 18, 2016

AFM rule and AD groups



I am trying to replicate Microsoft FTMG firewall functionality (found in other products working as forward proxy as well) to use AD group membership to allow or deny traffic.


In FTMG when creating FW rule it's possible to specify as condiftions:


  • source of the traffic
  • destination of the traffic
  • group membership

As a result traffic from given source to given destination is allowed if source IP is of the user belonging to specified group/groups in AD.


I assume that it's based on simple mapping between IP and user logon that is retrieved from AD.


So it can be replicated using DCAgent or LogonAgent provided by F5 and ifmap vs implemented on BIG-IP. But it's very complicated to manage after implementing.


My setup is using:


  • AFM rule set to check src and dst at L4, set with Accept
  • Rule has iRule attached
  • iRule is using FLOW_INIT event and ACL::action to change default FW rule action to reject based on
  • Evaluation of APM policy via ACCESS::policy evaluate
  • Evaluated Access Policy is using Transparent Identity Import to find username for src IP of the connecting computer - using mappings stored on BIG-IP via ifmap
  • After identifying username AD Query is performed (probably LDAP query to AD would be faster?) to check user group membership
  • Based on that different Branches are used to Allow (user belongs to required groups) or Deny (user do not belong to required group)
  • Based on Allow or Deny returned by Access Policy either Default FW Rule action is used (Accept) or action is changed via ACL::action reject

It's working but crazy to manage :-(


I wonder if I missing some easier to manage way of implementing FTMG functionality?




  • Hi,

    Well, problem is that it should be transparent, based on user credentials when logging to domain on given workstation.

    Without this I guess task is not so complicated 😞

    Your iRule seems to be based on LocalDB - so if I am not wrong if I need to use any group from AD it would be necessary to replicate AD structure to BIG-IP. Sure I can create Access Policy using AD Auth and AD Query but still not very easy to manage.

    I was thinking about using table but rather in connection with ifmap VS. This VS is receiving IP-username updates each time user is logging in/logging out of domain (via for exaple F5 LogonAgent). So I could parse SOAP messages received by this VS and update table containing IP-username mapping. Problem is I am not to good with iRules and parsing SOAP messages seems to be a bit complicated.

    Access Policy way seems to be easier, only drawback I can see is performance. I assume that table lookup would be much faster that evaluating policy - but maybe not so much?

    I wonder what do you think about this kind of iRule - one I mentioned before

    when FLOW_INIT {
        set flow_sid [ACCESS::session create -timeout 600 -lifetime 3600]
        ACCESS::policy evaluate -sid $flow_sid -profile /Common/irule_transparent_user_id session.user.clientip [IP::client_addr]
         Check the outcome of the access policy evaluation. Throw a response based on what we learn.
        switch [ACCESS::policy result -sid $flow_sid] {
            "allow" {
                log local0.notice "Allow"
            "deny" {
                log local0.notice "Deny"
                ACL::action reset
            default {
                log local0.notice "Default"

    Then Access Policy is build like that:

    With such approach everything can be mananged via VPE. I guess that using FLOW_INIT should be better considering performance - 3WHS and TMM processing should be avoided?

    Problem is that:

    • It's not easily managed - you can't see alowed/denied user groups in AFM Rule
    • AFM logging is messed up - when access is Allowed (not ACL::action reject set in iRule) log entry is OK, when ACL::action reject is used there is no entry in AFM log at all


  • Hi,

    I had a similar need for a customer, but with explicit authentication. the user role is stored in a table.

    The user must authenticate to APM on a dedicated VS with the following irule:

        log local0. "requete de [IP::client_addr]"
        switch [HTTP::path] {
            "/status" {
                set value [table lookup -subtable IPAdmins [IP::client_addr]]
                set lifetime [table lifetime -subtable IPAdmins -remaining [IP::client_addr]]
                if {$lifetime < 1} {ACCESS::respond 302 noserver Location "/disconnect"}
                ACCESS::respond 200 content "
                        You are authenticated successfuly : 
                        session time remaining : [clock format $lifetime -format {%H:%M:%S}]
                        Your client IP : [IP::client_addr]
                        Your autorization role : $value
                " noserver
            "/disconnect" {
                table delete -subtable IPAdmins [IP::client_addr]
                ACCESS::respond 302 noserver Location "/vdesk/hangup.php3"
            default {
                table set -subtable IPAdmins [IP::client_addr] [ACCESS::session data get session.localdb.groups] 7200 43200
                ACCESS::respond 302 noserver Location "/status"

    Then, when trying to access protected resources, the AFM rule allow traffic with following irule (one per user role)

        switch [table lookup -subtable IPAdmins [IP::client_addr]] {
            "Admins" {}
            "Deploy" {drop}
            "Exploit" {drop}
            "Infra" {drop}
            default {drop}