Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Feb 15, 2013

Advantage of 10.2.4 compare to 9.4.8

Hi everybody



I have customer used platform 3600 with v. 9.3.8 and I think it will EoTS soon.


So I want to upgrade their box into v. 10.2.4 HF5 or 11.2.1


but I must find something that show customer that HOW later version is BETTER THAN ealier version ?


and I can't find report that show this information.


So Can you tell me what advantage for upgrade into later Version ?



Thank you very much ^_^


  • there is new feature in release note. is it usable?



    Release Note: BIG-IP LTM version 10.2.4




    Release Note: BIG-IP LTM and TMOS version 11.2.0

  • MVA's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I think the biggest benefit of upgrading off 9.3.8 is availability of Technical support and software updates; bug fixes, security patches, etc. According to this article 9.3.8 is already EoTS March of 2012.



  • Did later version make BIG-IP improve Memory Usage management? and How do I know result of memory usage management improve?
  • What version you guy recommend between 10.2.4HF5 and 11.3.0HF1 ? ^_^
  • What version you guy recommend between 10.2.4HF5 and 11.3.0HF1 ? ^_^there is a bug when running tcpdump in 11.3.0. it is fixed in 11.3.0 hf2 which is not published yet. so, i believe either 10.2.4 or 11.2.1 latest hotfix is good to go.



    sol14174: Running tcpdump may affect TMM performance