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Donster_297784's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 19, 2017

Active/Passive VIP - 2 different DC's

Hey guys,


Just working on a VIP deployment which will see an active passive topology but based across 2 DC's each having their own HA pair. I was thinking about priority groups in terms of having each others members in the pool.


From the VIP perspective what would you advise? Obviously each DC will need it's own VIP(GTM not in place)




  • Suppose you have 2 group Servers. DC1 Servers & DC2 Server. On Priority Group Activation

    Commom_pool_DC Method: Load Balancing Method & Priority Group Activation (1) Available Member

    1) x.x.x.x:xx Priority 10

    2) x.x.x.y:xx Priority 10 3) x.x.x.y:xx Priority 10

    4) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20 5) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20 6) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20

    If minimum available member will be lesser then 1 then traffic will move to other DC servers. Assign to VIP.

    Other option to create two VIP with respect to DC. Apply iRule to VIP-1

            when HTTP_REQUEST {
                 if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0 }
                     { HTTP::redirect ""

    Paste if any problem

  • You can configure through multiple ways.


    If you have LTM only then, either use Priority Group activation or iRule to move traffic if Primary VIP fail over.




    • Donster_297784's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thank you Jhass. Could you give me an example if you don't mind?


      Totally agree with the logic and solution just an example of the iRule.




  • Suppose you have 2 group Servers. DC1 Servers & DC2 Server. On Priority Group Activation

    Commom_pool_DC Method: Load Balancing Method & Priority Group Activation (1) Available Member

    1) x.x.x.x:xx Priority 10

    2) x.x.x.y:xx Priority 10 3) x.x.x.y:xx Priority 10

    4) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20 5) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20 6) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20

    If minimum available member will be lesser then 1 then traffic will move to other DC servers. Assign to VIP.

    Other option to create two VIP with respect to DC. Apply iRule to VIP-1

            when HTTP_REQUEST {
                 if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0 }
                     { HTTP::redirect ""

    Paste if any problem

    • Donster_297784's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Much appreciated. This is what I had in my mind but just wanted to cement it and your example is perfect.