Forum Discussion

Hugo_Frauches_2's avatar
Aug 11, 2017

Access internal DMZ virtual server in SSL VPN

Hello,   I have setup an LAB for learning prupose and i was wondering if its possible to access an internal Virtual Server in the DMZ (Load balance for internal users), i could not achieved this d...
  • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
    Aug 17, 2017



    If the internal Virtual Server is HTTP or HTTPs, you may assign an SSO Access profile that allow you to get the username and password of the main Network Access policy.


    Then, you can define an LDAP query to filter who can access the VS or not.


    Or you can use an irule to control who can access the Virtual Server.


    Alternatively, you can define several Lease pool based on different user populatiion and attach an irule to the DNZ Virtual Server allowing access to some lease IP addresses and reject or drop access for some others.


    Hope it helps

