Forum Discussion

LEON_LI_38034's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 22, 2013

About the load-aware algorithm.

Hello Everybody



The load-aware calculation that the BIG-IP performs for each device is:


(The sum of local active traffic group loads + The sum of remote active traffic group loads) / device capacity


The "The sum of remote active traffic group loads"is what?


This link not presented clearly.


Many thanks


  • active traffic group loadsas i checked, load is number of traffic group unit is handling.



    there is request for enhancement ID392172 to include other factors.



    ID392172 - RFE: automatically include %CPU use, memory and throughput in device capacity measure
  • Thanks nitass



    Can you detailed instructions about load-aware algorithm?



    For example:



    The sum of local active traffic group loads: This device all the traffic group of HA Load Factor sum of the values​​.




    Device capacity: HA Capacity value for this device.



    The sum of remote active traffic group loads:what this?How to set up or view?



    Thanks again.








  • Can you detailed instructions about load-aware algorithm?isn't it in "Implementation Results" section of link you posted?



    Manual Chapter: Configuring Load-aware Failover