Forum Discussion

Katherine_Villa's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Nov 16, 2018

01071aca:3: Client SSL profile (/Common/crypto-server-default-clientssl): Certificate matching the configured cipher suites doesn't exist.

I was making test with a Strongbox unit, and after relicensed with the same modules, I got this error and the config doesn't load correctly. I cant save config, load config.


I didnt find any hint about whet to check, the config files are ok with the config, but the device is not loading them. I was running - Point Release 2.


  • Katherine,

    Your issue could possibly be something to below article,

    You might need to modify on the default files and see if it loads. Keep us posted.

    By the way, can you run the verify command and share us the output,

    tmsh load sys config verify